Booking & Location

Click here to book an appointment online

Work Schedule: Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays

Appointment Options

1 hour massage

Experience immediate relief in 1-2 targeted problem area s

1.5 hour massage: Most popular

Experience immediate relief in 2-3 targeted problem areas

2 hour massage: Recommended

Experience full body relief or relief in 3+ targeted problem areas

2.5 hour massage

Experience full body relief and relief in 2-3 problem areas

3 hour massage

Experience full body relief and relief in 3+ targeted problem areas

clinic room interior


Transformative Therapeutics: 18528 Firlands Way N, Suite C Shoreline, WA 98133

Free parking available

Phone: (206) 659-8663

Fax: (206) 801-7365

clinic enterence clinic outdoor enterence